Friday, August 13, 2010

The worrying phonecall

I got back from work around ten to six, switched the oven on and pulled out the pan and colander ready then went and got changed etc. Popped the garlic bread in the oven and set the timer; the bread takes 15 minutes but the water and pasta only take less than 10 so I settled down with a book (Anathem for those wondering).

Glancing at the time I knew the timer would be about to start so I got up; at which point the phone rang. Caller ID said [Bratus Pater]. Hmm I knew my parents were out at something that often concerned him perhaps he'd forgotten the time or place or some such; or perhaps he just wanted a chat.

"Hey-ya" I answered
"mumble mumble sly.mumble mumble" came the reply
How odd "What?"
"I said I can't find the Slytherin crest" came a more intelligible reply.
Not Bratus Pater's voice, nor Bratus Mater nor Bratus Major; had the phone messed up?
 "Who is this?" I asked
"It's [Bratus Minor]" he said with a surprised tone. "I can't find the Slytherin crest"
"What are we talking about?"
Meanwhile I was back in the kitchen taking out the pasta and sauce

"Lego Harry Potter" he said in another surprised tone. "I'm playing the Philospher's Stone with the Jinxed Broom"
"Um" I said intelligently
"I can't find the Slytherin Crest"
I wrack my brain, brooms? Oh wait which was was hard to find? "Okay you know the big snowball outside"
"The one you attach the broomsticks to to get into the pub"
"That's not the Philosopher's Stone. The Jinxed Broom"

Ah yes the pub is the Three Broomsticks. I pour water into the pan and set the heat while juggling the phone. Wait there are two such levels where you scrabble about the Quidditch pitch stands - one in Stone and the other in Prisoner. Damnit I can't think "Look I'm just in the middle of making dinner. I'll call you back later, okay?"
"Okay" came the unemotional reply.

So I made and then ate dinner and used the time to differentiate between the two levels. Ah yes the Slytherin crest tends to appear as part of a Dark Magic item and the only one in that level is past the Slytherin boy. Around 7pm I call back and no-one picks up and I go through to voice-mail. I hang up. Wait five minutes and try again, same thing so I leave a message with my answer. Job done I decide I deserve a DVD to watch.

Quarter to nine, the phone rings with the same ID, perhaps he didn't understand my instructions, perhaps he had another query?

"It's me" comes the reply
pause "So are you going to tell me?" he said in an accusative tone.
"I left a message"
"Oh, we've been out and just got back in"
"I guessed that, anyway [repeat message]"
"Oh okay"
"Right, um I'll speak to you again some time?"
"Yeah, see-ya"
End of call.

Hopefully it's not just me reading that and worrying. The surprise in his voice that I didn't know who it was (he's never called me directly before) or that I didn't know what he was talking about either displays a lack of social skill, a lack of empathy, or a very high opinion of my abilities.

Note also that the family knows that I don't get from work until this time and that therefore I will be preparing or eating dinner, and that the phone in their house isn't tucked away someone where he could make the call without the knowledge of his parents. Now add in the second call and that tone of  "Why didn't you call me back as soon as we got back?" that seems to assume I knew they'd gone out and returned.

And then finally the simple lack of a thank-you for providing the information he wanted.

Now the argument is that he's only 8 and is focussed on his 'quest' yet I would receive (and have gotten) a more coherent discussion with Devil Child who is half his age. I hope this is a one-off. It's not something I've noticed in person because I obviously know who's talking and the topic of discussion is either immediately apparent or flows from the current conversation. I shall query him next time I see him as to how he thought I'd know it was him and what he was discussing. Hopefully I'll get a reply other than a shrug. Otherwise I'll try to impart yet another lesson to him.


walkerno5 said...

Mumbling, lack of empathy, focus on video games, think the world revolves around them.

Perhaps he's having a really early puberty?

FlipC said...

Given his brother that's entirely possible. No that does Major a disservice he's got much better at preamble.