Friday, January 09, 2009

PS3 how to revert to to SD output

A call from The Artist who was just about to leave for his exhibition (such excellent timing) about problems he's having with his PS3, ever since it came back home with him it hasn't been working.

I thought about this for a second and reminded him that he'd set it up to output through the HDMI cable at his father's over Xmas. Did he now have an HD TV at home? No he didn't.

One quick Google later reveals this; worth remembering. You'd think as the HDMI cable is auto-sensing (in that it knows if you've plugged it into a 720 or 1080 i/p screen) the console would be intelligent enough to realise when it didn't get any feedback to revert to standard output perhaps with a warning screen in case there's a problem with the cable or TV - nah.