Wednesday, July 22, 2009

GMTV's Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse over parts of Asia was reported briefly on GMTV "started in India just after midnight" "lasted in Singapore for six minutes".

Two points some might question

  1. How can you have a solar eclipse at midnight and,
  2. If the sun travels East to West how can Singapore which is East of India see it later?
The answers are that it was midnight UTC which is about 6am in India and that indeed the sun appears to move East to West, but the moon travels at a different rate, for this period it can be deemed as stationary which means the shadow it casts moves from West to East.

But hey they're just reporting the news no need to explain it or even knock up a neat little animation. I swear they just can't be bothered any more or that it's 'too sciencey' and might turn people off watching.