Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Stour Bridge hole

So this hole was first dug on the 17th of November it was patched on the 22nd and sunk again the following day. I have a record of a report I sent on the 11th December and the hole was redone on the 14th.

I note in March that it's become a sharp-edged depression. This is then seriously topped up to make a bump and now it's back down into a depression again.

Another report via the whub - entered my email address and password and got rejected before recalling that I used the other log in page that asks for user name and password [sigh]

To recap:

Dug on the 17th November
Patched on the 22nd November
Patched on the 14th December
Patched around March
Now requires filling in again.

Perhaps it's all a scheme to keep the repair crew off the dole?


Anonymous said...

Hey I think there is some news on the Stour Bridge dip in the road, see: 'Residents’ Highways Queries'.

...well news of no news!

FlipC said...

Hah, so when did I first mention the dip... ah that's right April 29th and the inspection was 17th of September; so only about 5 months before it's been confirmed.

Don B said...

Hang on the pair of you! Your comments are muddling the bridge over the River Severn with the bridge over the River Stour. The original comment was about the hole on the bridge over the Stour whilst the Jamie Shaw comment is about a "Dip in the road surface" on the bridge over the River Severn .

Anonymous said...

Weird! I was just about to post this and I just read Don's comment.

Time out, time out! I'm getting confused now after re-reading this. Jamie said 'Stourport Bridge', you say 'Stour bridge'. Are we all talking about the same thing? I was thinking of the dip in the road as you cross the bridge over the Severn coming away from downtown Stourport. Was Jamie talking out the Severn bridge crossing or the Stour bridge crossing?

FlipC said...


Heh I assumed Tav had just mixed up the bridges by accident with this entry being the first result from a search. In hindsight I should have made that clear.

This entry is about the Stour bridge, my entry in April and Jamie's entry is about the Stourport/Severn bridge.

That's not to say that the Stour bridge is hunky-dory it's still worn on the incoming side and there's still a very minor bump where the hole was dug.