Friday, July 11, 2008

That dratted sign post

So at the end of June we had a letter in the Shuttle about that sign post sitting in the middle of the pavement on Bridge Street, Stourport and I see in this week's paper we have a news item response except I can't find it on-line.

[Update - And as it wasn't published on-line until 10:20 today I think that's a good reason why I couldn't find it - tada!]

The gist of the article was 'We measured everything and it was all in accordance to the guidelines, but we'll have another look at it as someone's complained" Common sense anyone? Imagine that the lamppost, steps and post were cars now tell me that 'because there's enough distance between them for a vehicle to get through' that the positioning is A-OK. I'll willing to bet that the position was determined by reference to a map rather than someone looking at it and getting someone to pretend to be a post.

This also highlights the importance of complaining, yes I know we'll all English and thus are more inclined to tut and put up with it; but in this instance we have to remember this is the council spending our money and if they've ballsed it up we have to let them know.