Thursday, April 29, 2010

A bit of traffic

It's that time of year again when the levels of traffic through Stourport tend to increase. Not helped at the moment by Bewdley High Street still being out, but that wasn't the cause of the queues last night. For that you can thank the parked vehicles in Bridge Street.

Facing the bridge we had a pie van delivering to the shops on the right and blocking the lane from the bridge completely. Not that much of a problem as the road is wide and if the traffic to the bridge moves over a tad you can still get two normal vehicles through. Except for the car parked opposite outside Lloyds garage.

Then just to add to the fun there's a beer delivery at Ye Olde Inn on the left that's imposing (admittedly only slightly) into that lane.

Not to worry though as a traffic warden soon appeared to deal with... yeah right I think they must finish at 5pm.