Friday, August 29, 2008

Stourport Bridge jumping

Just heading over the bridge when a girl/women runs up the pavement towards the centre of the bridge arms splayed and belly flab wobbling in a two-piece swimsuit; she reaches the middle point and hops up onto the parapet, one leg over, then the other. I've driven past by now, but she'd vanished from my rear-view mirror and people are peering over the edge.

Now I've been told that you don't want to do that as the current bridge is essentially built on the debris from the previous bridges and it ain't as deep as it looks. I can estimate the bridge height at around 5-6m from the water, but I can't find any details of the water depth at this point.


Anonymous said...

I know sometimes some local Polies do this. My wife and I witnessed it last summer. In most parts of continental Europe (particular Eastern Europe) they think nothing of swimming in rivers.

FlipC said...

Oh hey I've nothing against it per se so long as you know it's safe; but you know what the Severn can be like.

Anonymous said...

I was there when they pulled the one young mad from the river several years ago,not a nice thing for anyone to expieriance i tell you.The currents and debris under the bridge are a recipe for disaster yet each year we have ppl jumping in when theres a little hot weather.Thank god it wasnt too hot this year.

FlipC said...

Indeed it's the invisible debris and cross-currents that worried me. At least last time I recall looking the life belts were present and correct; unlike at the Tesco in Kiddy.