Thursday, August 02, 2007

Some small disadvantage

"So what's happening with the bridge?"
"According to the weekly report a shut-down from the leisure centre up to York Street"
"No I meant... woah Bridge Street is being closed too?"
"According to the report"
"Bloody hell!"

That seems to be the favourite epithet when I get asked.

"and Wilden Lane"
"Severn Trent, until 3rd September"

That results in an unprintable response.

"Landslide, still closed as far as I know"

More unprintable's.

You see most people on the Areley side were hoping to use the switchback to Bewdley to get past the Bridge. If that's out then the next option is Holt Fleet, which was closed several times during the past flood and is travelling several miles in the wrong direction before during a wide turn onto the A449 and that can get really busy at peak-times.

From the other side a lot of people use Wilden to bypass the choke points entering Kidderminster off the main drag and the A449. A lock-down on the bridge is likely to create a tailback down this route.

I'll be walking down; that is when I'm not moving a shed.


Don B said...

Arley Kings to Sandy Lane via Clows Top if the Bridge closure overruns!!!

FlipC said...

Yay and only 19 miles with a chance to wave to Suzie if she's moved in by then.

Either that or the 12 miles via Holt Heath (if that's okay) or 9 miles via Bewdley (if the switchback is open). Hmm or I could just walk the 2 miles along the river... nah!

Don B said...

Has the ferry service been reinstated this year (from the caravan park to The Angel)? The last couple of years he has oporated in the summer months but, of course, he would have had to suspend his service when the River was in flood.

FlipC said...

Hmm good question. I've often joked about getting my own coracle as a faster method of travel.