Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Postal Prices

Something that doesn't seem to have made the news is the increase in postal prices that came into force from the beginning of April. In a day and age where so much can be done electronically you'd think that prices would be coming down as they attempt to woo customers, but hey this is a monopoly and they've got to pay the bills and thus require more money not counting the subsidies they already get from us.

So a First Class letter has gone up by a whopping 8% and Second by 11%; in real terms that's an increase from 36p to 39p and 27p to 30p. 3p each, see how percentages can distort things?

A normal Large letter increases from 52p to 61p or 42p to 47p and a packet from £1.14 to £1.28 or £95p to £1.08.

Amusingly we have a stock of first class and second class stamps from 2 years ago that are still valid, so we're making quite a saving.

[Update 24/4 - Hadn't quite sunk in until I tried to send a Large Letter first class and came to work out what combination of first and second class stamps I needed. 61p, you total ******** you absolute total ******** would it have killed you to make it 60p i.e. 2 second class stamps?

Oh no can't do that we want people to buy the Large Letter stamps we print, it doesn't occur to us that if we made the second class Large Letter equal to 2 second class stamps and first class Large Letter equal to two firsts or a first plus second we could save money by not printing those damn things in the first place. We like the confusion that allows us to add a £1.50 charge for under-payment of postage.
