Friday, February 23, 2007

Not again - skate-board park

Tav over at the WFA has been busy with regards to the proposed skate-board park even writing a letter to Councillor Desmond. He got a reply which I devoured eagerly. I'll quote my choicest morsels.

There was a cross party task and finish group, [...] They deliberated for months and concluded that the riverside was the best location as all the other locations were not appropriate.
That's odd when I went through everything the Task and Finish Group didn't put a proposal in their report to the Leisure Panel it first showed up in the Leisure Panel minutes not on the T&F report.

What about the lack of consultation with Stourport Town Council?
It was debated at the Leisure Panel in March of 06 and the Service Policy Panel in June 06 where 6 WFDC Stourport councillors were present and no one spoke against and all voted in favour
Service Panel, why didn't I spot those minutes when I went through everything? See for yourself Only one meeting held in June listed on-line Ah here we go
The Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services was in attendance to present the Cabinet Member Response Form for the Skateboarding review.
silly me I was looking for details about a skate-park Oh well let's see the form for the skateboarding review... it's not there. I've got the Cabinet responses for
But nowt for Skateboarding, the closest I've got is the Update on Youth Provision Scrutiny Review which doesn't mention a location at all, it does however reference "background documents", which include the Cabinet minutes I've already gone through. Now I know that those include a location. So did they vote on a location contained within background documents listed in a scrutiny review?
The Cabinet Member Response forms for the Kidderminster Street Market, public conveniences, memorial stones and skateboarding, be noted.
Sorry which cabinet response form was that again? Has it been left of? Was it the Scrutiny review? Again check my working, here's the Service Policy Panel complete list of minutes

Let's go with the next joy
The skate park is smaller than first thought to enable approximately 10mtr gap between paddling pool and skate park, as some councillors had concerns the skate park would be build on the edge of the pool.
Oh now that makes sense - where we want to build it is too small, so we'll make the park smaller and not e.g. look for a larger site. (presumably councillors agreed to the original size park, has the new and 'improved' smaller park gone to a vote?)
I have listened to opponents and have taken steps to reduce their concerns but as Cabinet Member I believe the riverside is the best option available and will go ahead and hopefully will be open in May.
I note "reduce" rather then eliminate "their concerns". Oh and I agree the riverside is the best option just not that part of the riverside.

Okay I'm tired and need sustenance, I'll leave it there.


Tavis Pitt said...

I did response to Nathan’s reply. He explains the layout of the skatepark quite specifically, so some where there are layout plans of the park. You’d have thought these would have been available to the public.

I also asked if the site you proposed was ever considered.

He has since then commented on the ‘agenda , apparently, he, “won’t let this one go”. Open communication then!

FlipC said...

I read his comment with some interest. I'm wondering where the decision to make it all out of concrete came from, perhaps it was in that Cabinet Member Response form I couldn't find? I can't find anything else regarding concrete elsewhere. Perhaps the Cllr. can refer us as to who recommended it? I'll ask.

Heh perhaps I read "I won't let this one go" differently - how dare you question the decisions of your betters. You'd better produce that hard evidence before I have you horse-whipped and put in the stocks you scoundrel.