Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Overturned car

At the end of Hermitage Way near the Areley Common/Dunley Road junction an overturned car, and when I say overturned I mean on its roof and crushed. Other than its orientation what was odd was the scatterings around it - leaves for the most part. Both these things suggest to me that it came down the hill next to the road, yet there's no road up there for it to fall off and I didn't notice any broken trees.

Oh and no there was no-body about apart from three lads further up the road near Layamon Walk two heading down that way and one using a mobile as he crossed to the bus-stop.

The Police had already been notified, "On its roof? Silver?" They'd been told it was Windmill Road (?) I corrected that to Windmill Bank and pinpointed it to the correct actual road name.