Monday, March 15, 2010

Google Earth Street View

You can now drive around our Stourport in Google Earth and see our fair town. Decorations were up in town, but not the ones at the memorial. Ah hah the Gigal/Mitton Street junction was closed so I'm guessing these were taken around October/November of 2009. They timed that well, a little earlier and they wouldn't have been able to get around that area at all.

A closer look and "Public Enemies"  was out for rental, Blockbuster were staying open on Midnight the 9th and Ye Olde Crown Inn had a hoarding up for the Real Ale Festival.

There does seem to be two streams of photos around Gilgal though, one with roadworks and petrol at 108.99p and one without and petrol at 105.99p

Sadly it all looks rather dull and dismal through the town.


Tav said...

Most of Kidderminster was done last summer about late July (I'll try and find out the date). I know because my uncle was photographed outside my mother-in-law's house fetching sand from the front lawn to the back to built a patio. At the time he said he saw a car with a funny-looking sphere on the top with Google written all over it.

The whole UK is now on Street View (I think).

Orphi said...

Heh, a van with Google written all over it? Wow, that's subtle.

My mother is currently shocked and horrified that anybody who wants to can hit Google and see right into my grandparents' garden. Now theaves can case the joint without ever setting foot in London.

While the camera angle does seem to be quite high (e.g., the fence is 9 feet high but you can easily see over the top of it), in fairness the people in the neighboring houses have a much better view anyway.

Oh, and I just found my house. ;-)

I'm pretty sure there are still huge areas not on Street View yet though. Let's see if I can find my place of work… Yes, it's there. But the car stopped at the entrance barrier.

Both of these areas were obviously photographed in summer, and it must have been fairly recent too. ;-)

Orphi said...

Yep. Only half of Corsham highstreet is on Street View. In particular, my uncles jewlery shop isn't there. ;-)

FlipC said...

@Tav - it's possible one of the photo streams in Gilgal is from July when Kidderminster was done. Hey wow they actually went through the town too, looks like it was early in the morning.

@Orphi - Yeah there was a lot of fuss over Street View for that very reason; I've found my house and place of work and using minor visual clues from that I'm guessing they were taken on a Friday between 9am and 1pm.

FlipC said...

Just shown DaBoss his house
"That's invasion of privacy isn't it?"
"No it's on a public road"
"That's not a pubic road" he points to their driveway
"No but they're on public land, so long as they're on that and the view they've got is comparable to someone who happens to be passing they're fine."

Google Street View Funny said...

There are some interesting Google Street Views starting to pour in via the new coverage in the UK. Take a look here

FlipC said...

Invasion of Privacy! Invasion of Privacy! Waaaaaah! [runs in little circles] ;-)

Dan H said...

Interesting that you said "drive" around Stourport, rather than "walk" or "ride" around. I know you can 'teleport' from one part of the map to another, but clicking the arrows to get a few metres along the road at a time is closest to walking speed. Or maybe it's most like driving because you can't go down all the alleys, jitties, and snickets you can walk down, and you can't look at the bike paths. If the Google Trike (which they do have now) comes to your area I guess you'll have to change your use of language...

Harriers9 said...

They don't do it all in one go. Lickhill Rd was done in the Autumn because the leaves are dropping but Lickhill Lodge was done earlier in the summer because the tree in my garden is in full leaf.

It's done that way so that they don't have to keep turning off main roads to do estates and then when they return to the main road a couple of hours later the weather has changed.

They also cannot go up private roads hence my mother in laws house isn't shown.

FlipC said...

@Dan - Or perhaps it's just that because the view is from the road ;-)

@Harriers9 - That makes sense, just an interesting switching point, and a shame they did the town itself during the cold and gloomy part of the year.