Monday, June 29, 2009

Pedestrians rule the roads

Yes the sun is out and thus more pedestrians who seem to think that roads are just wider pavements. I had one couple with child and pushchair waiting to cross the two (or is it one?) lanes of York Street having exited through Parkes Passage pushing through the current queue of cars instead of using the drop-kerbs provided a little further up. One couple standing next to the crossing further down trying to cross while a young couple stood on the very corner giving no indication if they were trying to cross York Street or High Street.

There was one mother and daughter pair standing in the road outside the Swan because of a car blocking the view, gee here's a thought use the crossing that's just a little further up from you. Ah hell I'm being silly, if a couple won't use it and they're standing next to it, and I see another women walk past the crossing and then stop to cross the road how can I expect you to walk that far?

Then turning the blind corner I'm forced to brake to allow an elderly gentleman to continue crossing and then another gentleman crosses in front of me (using the drop-down kerbs), but I'm forced to slow down anyway as a girl skids to a halt as she tries to run across two, or possible three lanes at a time. I gesticulate and roar "Just wander across the road why don't you" to which the young gentleman to whom I was not addressing the remark returned with the pithy "Fuck Off".

Oh yes and of course three cars parked up in High Street, but only one opposite the bus-stop so well done there.