Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bit of traffic this morning

Actually a bit last night too, of course that's all caused by all the traffic trying to turn left from Worcester Road into Worcester Road. Yep that's right in ye olden days it was a turn with Hartlebury Road as the off-shoot. Then some bright spark realised that with all the traffic coming down Worcester Road none of the Hartlebury traffic could get out so they built an island which made sense at the time. Now of course everyone uses it as a Kidderminster by-pass which means a lot more traffic coming down it and making a mockery of it's original purpose to help the poor few cars out.

Speaking of Kidderminster by-pass that is what happened this morning with the unceasing stream of traffic from the lights having right-of-way into Gilgal. Oh no silly me it's a merger system where one stream of traffic flows gently round a bend and down a slope into the lane that 90% of them want to remain in whereas the other stream has to battle up-hill and over the hummock and round the sharp bend in order to stay in a lane they don't want to remain in. How on Earth could I confuse that with a Right of Way?

Wasn't helped by the pharmaceutical van parked on the right in High Street - oh no there I go again must have been an illusion as we all know that not only is there no parking at that time, but there's no loading there either and our ever-present traffic wardens are scrupulous in such things. Saying that I noticed a car behind me not parking behind it and not bumping up onto the pavement while not being next to a right angled bend. Nor did I watch someone park in a disabled bay, watch them not leap from their car, and decidedly did not stride across the road to the cash point machine. Damn my eyes must be playing tricks on me.