Friday, December 07, 2007

Supermarket does not equal sandwich bar

A petition, a petition! Tav over on the WFA has suggested an update to the outdated 1987 Planning Classes. As it stands Class A1 covers

Shops, retail warehouses, hairdressers, undertakers, travel and ticket agencies, post offices, pet shops, sandwich bars, showrooms, domestic hire shops, dry cleaners and funeral directors.
In other words the classification doesn't take into account size - that little takeaway sandwich bar is the same class as that giant hypermarket.

So what you might ask? Well if a good-natured council designated a site for Class A1 use intending to promote small locally run stores to boost the area, then in theory a large chain could appear and apply for permission to build their behemoth without needed to apply for a change of use.

And so Tav has created a petition on the Number 10 website for the creation of a Class A0 category to differentiate the small to medium businesses from the large ones. If you think it's worthwhile pop over and sign it.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, I need all the publicity on this as I can muster.