Monday, December 17, 2007

A free weekend

It was meant to be a busy weekend. On Saturday my father needed some help putting some shelves up; yes yet another 'just for a morning' job though in theory this should only taken an hour, measure, measure, drill, fix, job done.

Now you may think if this is such a simple job why am I helping (read doing it); that can be answered in two parts - firstly the parts were bought prior to The Slabbing and my father has been promising to fix them since then (fair enough he has been busy) and quite frankly my mother was getting fed-up of tripping over them. Secondly, well we'll get to that.

So imagine my surprise when I'm told that my father put them up Friday afternoon; great. I take a look at them Saturday morning.

"Um is there any reason they're not level? They're sloping down to the left"
"According to the spirit level they are level, it's the tiles underneath that aren't" [a whole other story]
"No I wasn't using those as a guide"
"Oh well the heater cord next to them doesn't hang level" [this is the freely hanging string with a plastic weight on the end, which suggests either gravity isn't working or there's a large mass present - which actually would explain a lot]
"No I wasn't using that either" [I was using my powers again - in this case the power of eyesight]
"Oh well the spirit level says it's level"
"Have you got the level?"
"Here you go, they were only a bit out"
the level is placed
Yeah the bubble is split in half by the right-hand line
"Well they were level when I measured them and when I put them up, they must have altered when I was tightening them up.

And there folks is the second reason I 'help' with these things.

So that was a planned day now free, which was nice. Oh and like Tav I got caught in the diversion around the Stourport/Kidderminster Road due to the carpet fire; the only bright spot is that they think it was accidental and not deliberate.

Sunday was Bratus Minor family birthday party, he's now 6. Everyone's heading up to Tenbury, but we get a call - his parents aren't well. They still want everyone to come, but not for long. Basically a cup of coffee, a slice of cake, then please leave.

I tease Minor over his presents "Well they can't be birthday presents as you've had your birthday already; you'll have to wait until your next one to open them"
He takes it well with a big grin, Major's trying not to laugh himself to death.
"I suppose they could be non-birthday presents, which means you can open them after all"
even bigger grin. Much shaking and squeezing of presents commences, before the paper is ripped apart.

The Bratii attempt to drag me off to play games, I put my foot down as no-one is staying long and if we start a long game I'll be leaving in the middle of it prompting much tantrums. A short game is agreed, but I end up talking Sega Mega Drive games with Major.

Anyway that was another free day gifted to me; so I wasted it completely on Half-Life2 and Portal.


Don B said...

What is it about gentlemen and sons of a certain age - some relationships just work and some well....
I plead ignorance and a certain younger gentleman who regularly calls at my house to collect his post and occasionally eats a Sunday dinner with me just shrugs his shoulders and expresses only mild interest that I seem to be unable to get the TV/DVD/Video/Tuner/speakers all to function as if they were an integrated whole.

I have a feeling that one is too old and the other is not yet old enough.

FlipC said...

No no I get on fine with my father so long as he doesn't, you know, actually try to do anything; okay that sounds bad.

He used the old carpet to cut and measure a new carpet; he laid them on the garden new one underlay side on the grass then put the old one on top, carpet side down to keep the new one clean. He then cut out the shape needed... all perfectly logically until he took off the old carpet and laid it next to its mirror image.

That pretty much sums up every endeavour.

Don B said...

I could see that you did get on - In my case I'm looking forward to a more able of one party and a maturing of the other!!