Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All questions solved

At last the answer to every dilemma, simply meditate on your question then click the button below for guidance.

The answer is -


Don B said...

I thought the answer to the question was 42.

FlipC said...

That would have been a much easier script to write :-)

Gods the fun I had getting this simple little thing to work, Blogger in its infinite wisdom kept stuffing the script with invisible HTML tags. The preview uses a script to write the entry so you can't see them until you publish and view the source there. Actually that might explain why tables can be so difficult to do.

Dan said...

I'm going to leave this up and use it next time a customer calls in and expects me to drop everything I'm doing to answer the question that was clearly answered in the user's manual they didn't feel necessary to read...

FlipC said...

Perhaps I should add some extra answers -
Try reading the manual;
I'm busy, work it out yourself;
The situation is shifting, but neither Yin nor Yang is gaining ground.