Friday, July 27, 2007

Potholes take um 42? Skate-park

Well the Areley Common/Dunley Road ones are holding up so far; the York Street concavity has been topped up yet again, but we're getting some nasty wear further up; the square cut hole opposite Harold Davies drive is stable, but the leading cut to the square has collapsed by several inches [update - now patched]; and the patchwork done at the entrance to Worcester Road from the island has all fallen out again (cyclists beware). Bridge Street is its usual bumpy self, fascinating to listen to trailers and long vehicles going up it, but hopefully that will be sorted out next weekend when they resurface the road... ah or perhaps it won't if they're just doing the bridge? I'm sure they'll be more information in the Shuttle when they get around to reporting it.

So why are these holes constantly appearing, are we getting more or heavier traffic? Perhaps it's got something to do with the fact that none of these patches appear to be sealed. I could probably lift most of the work out with a small blunt instrument, so think what rain does when it seeps underneath.

On a plus note recall the jauntily angled service cover on Mitton Street that I'd commented on during my conversation regarding the mismatched brickwork in High Street. Well marks were made around it and I now note a new square slab has been placed apparently fixing the potential problem.

Just a quickie (and in response to Don) it's been pointed out to me in the Shuttle that the official opening of the skate-park has been postponed until pfft sometime. So the ceremony was supposed to be on the 20th and the Shuttle report it on the 26th under the headline "'I've never known us so busy’ - firefighter" tum te tum.