Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gone chilly

Stepped out of the house, then stepped back in to get a jumper. Hey I thought we were supposed to be worrying about global warming ;-) At least it isn't actually raining...yet. Of course nothing as bad as Hurricane Dean, though I am curious as to why GMTV did an entire feature on it then featured it on the weather report. I don't think it's going to affect our weather, anyone flying out there is likely to be aware of it, anyone actually there should definitely be aware of it, and if there's somebody you know who's out there then there's hardly anything you can do to help. The sole point I could see was 'Oo some big strange weather system we can talk about instead of sun, cloud, rain'.

Someone did ask me if these patterns were getting stronger, more commonplace, or simply being reported on more. Piqued my curiosity so I'm going to have a look for any data. First search popped up a report from NOAA which predicts an above-normal season. I'll continue looking for historical data.