Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No new restaurant in Stourport?

From the Shuttle we get a story that an application for a new restaurant in Stourport has been recommended for refusal.

The sharp eyed among you may have noticed that it is the same application I took a photo of here and postulated that it was in readiness for the new Basin Link.

So why has it been recommended for refusal - because it would

"jeopardise the longer term comprehensive redevelopment of the area".
What? The entire point of the Basin Link as stated in the design brief was to have cafes etc. along it. the only reason this should fail is if they want to put the Link through the building. So what's going on?


Anonymous said...

A cynic would say that Clive Joyce is trying to start something. The Shuttle doesn't usually report on applications until after the decision is made. Yet any application of a substantial size in Stourport or any application in Stourport near the proposed Super Food Store are getting a mention in the paper. Take, 'Major application not 'financially viable' for instance.

FlipC said...

Perhaps he's been reading our blogs or, as is more likely, your blog.

Regardless of the reasons it makes a pleasant change to read about this sort of thing before it's been decided rather then after even if it is a little short-notice.

Blogs, ShuttleXtra, and now this.