Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Can't quite make the connection

Sticking with the news now we hear that a 10 point increase in your Body Mass Index (all hail the great and wise BMI) is linked to an increase in some cancers, though they're not sure why. Another bit of top notch reporting there.

So 'Britain is getting fatter', 'Obesity increases risk of [insert nastiness here]', blah blah blah bombarding us from all sides and what do we get as a news teaser on the BBC this morning "So why are we eating fewer puddings?" Gee I've no idea, it's as mysterious as when every media channel told us we were eating too much salt and then came back to tell us that for some strange reason we were no longer eating enough.

Locate the sound of someone beating their head against a wall and play it and you'll know how I feel.