Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Stourport on "Central Tonight", plus a town revamp

One of these news stories I knew and yet completely failed to mention. The indoor market on the corner of Lombard Street and Lickhill Road is closing. The nice and friendly West Mids Co-op who own the building have given the merchants a 7-day notice to quit. Last night 24/04/07 Central Tonight actually featured this story and sent a camera crew down. normally I'd point to their News site and mark when it appears, but as is typical the episode they're advertising as Tuesday's is in fact a duplicate of Monday's. All the others work fine and perhaps it'll be sorted by tomorrow and you can see for yourself.

Anyway to cut it short, the Co-op have extended the period to 28-days and they're sold it to a clothing merchant, which will 'boost the town centre'. Well we could do with a clothes shop we've only got the two in Bridge Street, the one in York Street, the two in High Street, plus the charity shops. Oh and the one in Lombard Street I believe, we're certainly starved here.

I was curious as to where they picked up the story from, I'd got it word-of-mouth had I missed it in the Shuttle? So a trawl through their online stories, an internal search, and finally a a Google search and I found it here Oops no that's the Express and Star.

A revamped Stourport is on the cards according to the Shuttle even has a nice photo of Councillor Stephen Clee holding up some plans. Residents are invited to "address their views" by writing in to the WFDC at Duke House, so no email then? Hmm it would be more helpful if we could comment on the plans already drawn up. So a link to these plans features where exactly? Ah silly me it'll be on the Wyre Forest DC site hmm not on the front page, the latest news? Here we go "Community invited to have a say on Kidderminster Town Centre" Oh wait maybe not. How about out official website nope can't see anything about it there either.

Back to Google and "Stourport plan" pulls this out of its hat. Not what I'm looking for, but certainly interesting, Chapter 4 in particular. Otherwise nope no sign of these plans. Are they going to get a public airing prior to them being acted on, or are we talking a skate-park level of hunting needed here?