Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Election leaflets - BNP

Oddly enough the first one that I've received. Yellow and blue; eye-catching, but not too eye-straining. Front page tag reads "People Like You Voting BNP", well no because people like me don't vote BNP; not being funny but people like me would hold the same values as me and well those aren't the same held values that would lead some to vote BNP.

Next line is "Use this as a WINDOW POSTER" with the unvoiced "and get your window smashed in". Next yellow on blue "Putting British People First" um first where? I mean if I had a choice between hiring a skilled 'foreign' worker or a unskilled British worker I wouldn't want the British worker to be put first; nor would I want any company I dealt with to do that.

Ahhhh it's got a ickle recycle badge how green and eco and not suiting the colour scheme.

Okay inside we have "British Jobs For British Workers" yet it's amazing how many British workers just don't seem inclined to do all those ultra-shit low-paying jobs that 'foreigners' do, unless of course the BNP doesn't include ultra-shit low-paying jobs as "British" amazing what you can do with definitions. Ah look they're blaming globalisation, yeah remember that when all those £10 DVD players vanish off the shelves.

Oh dear "Because We've Earned the Right!" with Trafalgar, the Somme, Dunkirk, D-Day, The Falklands; all written underneath. Err I wasn't at Trafalgar and I very much doubt any job-seekers were either, I mean it'd be great to add to the CV wouldn't it?

There then follows a section on "Why We're All Voting British National Party" with the smug looking Doctor, the model grandparents, the soldier and ahh the mom and little kid on her shoulder how cute.

Smug Doctor wants an end to "health tourism" yeah let's stop all those people going over to the continent for treatment when they can sit here and wait; oh hold-on do you think he meant the other way around?

Grandparents don't think it's "fair" that "bogus asylum seekers" are scooted to the front of the queue. Not telling us which queue mind, or who that they've obviously been reading a certain tabloid newspaper which is happy to talk about 'bogus' asylum seekers living the life without providing well um proof.

Soldier-boy is "fed up with being sent ill-equipped into foreign wars" so the BNP will spend more money (i.e. raise taxes) for equipment? "The BNP will bring our troops home"... ah yeah that would be cheaper. Oo sinister time "and ensure that British soldiers are not abused on the streets of our cities by Muslims" so would that be by removing the right to free speech and demonstration? Would that be just for Muslims or a blanket ban on all non-'British'?

Mother and ahh cute kid wants our taxes invested in "education and job creation" and "not wasted on paying bureaucrats or bankers' bonuses" yeah can't really fault that one much.

Oo a quote "'Because it's not racist to oppose mass immigration and political correctness - it's common sense!'" and who said that then? Come on don't be shy - gosh they're not putting unattributed quotes on their leaflets are they in some sort of attempt to make it look like someone important said that? That would be naughty.

Key Pledges time: Opposing the "dangerous drive" to give "80 million low-wage, Muslim Turks the right to swamp Britain". So that would be leaving the EU then as if Turkey joins then anyone can come over?

Ah next is "Campaign to get Britain out of the EU" which is really the first pledge again. Apparently they'd use the £60bn saved to restore the NHS and invest in British jobs; hmm presumably the same British jobs we could well be losing if we leave the EU.

"Our MEPs wil give 10% of their salaries to the 'English Fair' fund" basically to celebrate St. George's Day. So that'd be our money being forcibly removed from us to pay for MEPs going to some organisation I can't even locate on the internet. Wow with this level of publicity I bet they do some great organising.

At last the back page and "We Say What You Think" missing out a 'will' and a 'should' there I think anyway; unless their policies really do revolve around talking about what a huge bunch of prats they are.

"NO to EU Rule & the Euro" yeah okay it is getting annoying.
"NO to Immigration & Unemployment" yes let's ban unemployment make it illegal.
"NO to High Taxes and Rip-Off Britain" what and leaving the EU will help the latter will it?
"YES to putting British People First" but we're British we don't like queue jumpers even if they are us.

"British Jobs for British Workers - Because We've Earned the Right!" no, no we haven't unless being born here counts and then you'd have to add in a large amount of Muslims etc. who were also born here.

Yeah great leaflet, shows they're not a one-policy party in any way at all does it.


Orphi said...

People claim that it's a police state now, but what really frightens me is that nutters like the BNP count as a “legitimate” political party. I mean, WTF?

Let me put it this way: I'm far more afraid of the BNP than I am of Muslims or Turks. (What did they ever do to us, anyway?)

FlipC said...

Because it's a free country, which means people with these views can band together and form a political party which other like-minded people can vote for. Amusingly it's that freedom that allows you to vote in a party that wants to remove that freedom.

Oh and judge the BNP as being as extreme as those Muslims who want us all to be subject to Sharia law; be afraid of all of them.

Orphi said...

Oh, sure, some Muslims are nutters too. But as far as I know, most Muslims are ordinary, normal people. The same can't be said for the BNP.

It just worries me that somebody like the BNP might get in some day. I guess there's only one way to prevent this…