Monday, April 07, 2008


It is a truth universally upheld that the softest toilet paper in the world becomes as sandpaper if you're going to the loo every 15-30 minutes.

Anyway as you can tell I'm back; yay? The only good(?) thing to come from this is my trousers feel baggier and the lack of sleep has gifted me with two additional gods for the pantheon - Tekneos God of Music "All music is one and we are many"; and Scypian Goddess of Shopping "The correct choice is the one I've just made".

Bad thing is that I obviously had to reschedule some stuff I had planned at the weekend for next weekend and then got a poke from Invisible about a planned p.o.t. meeting next Saturday; bloody typical.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Poking works.

I'm glad you're still alive. This is quite optimal…