Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Basin Link make my day punk

The Shuttle seems to be surpassing itself recently not only keeping the website up to date, but publishing planning applications there too. As such we had a shiny news story slip out entitled Regeneration move for Stourport detailing the serving of a Compulsory Purchase order on Lloyds garage as part of the first stage of the basin link.

I don't think it's been decided yet which of the three design options listed in the appendices in the Bridge Street basins link Development Brief, and as they've scanned all the diagram in glorious craporesolution* it's difficult to make a choice; still... um hopefully they won't be digging up all these nice herringbone pavements that are in the process of being laid down.

*And that some pages just won't parse in Firefox or Opera due to the insertion of an extra character between every letter. sigh yes IE ignores them which is probably why no-one has noticed.