Monday, August 22, 2011

York Street progress?

This time I did get a call from an engineer though there'd been a miscommunication and he started off with the wrong end of the stick. As mentioned before York Street is a filter and merge system. My talk with the engineer added some extra points.

Apparently there's no need for any markings because none of the other filter and merge systems in Stourport (Gilgal, Mitton Street, Lion Hill etc.) have any. So next time you travel on any of those roads remember those white lines you're looking at are a figment of your imagination.

Next there's no need for line dividers as there's never been any there. Well I know there are and hopefully photos will prove me correct.

There is no need for a lane divider as the road is too narrow due to the parking on the left-hand side. Except the road is wide enough for two lanes except at the point where the council moved the parking bays closer to the entrance after the resurfacing and the lane divider was removed.

Next there is no need for a lane divider as they're "advisory" anyway. Interesting as you're supposed to signal when changing lanes; if there are no lane markings are you changing lanes?

Finally - the lack of lane markings increases safety. Hmm well I can see that as cars would slow down because they would have no idea what to do and that would increase congestion. Which apparently is fine as "safety is the highest concern"

"Okay if safety is the highest concern, remove all the cars from the road" I replied "can't get any safer than that"
"But we're just talking about road markings" he spluttered
"No we're talking about road management. If safety is the highest priority remove the cars."

Anyway they'll 'look' at York Street and if it's wide enough add a lane marking. At the very least they should be added the hatching at the entrance and a single extra dash at the end - big whoop.