Friday, June 04, 2010

Windows Vista Indexing is rubbish

Below is an image of the contents of one folder:

Note the two files "Postcard" that is the actual file and a backup. Now imagine there were a lot more files and that for the file you're looking for you only know that the filename contains the word "Postcard" so you use the search box at the top

Yeah see how only the Backup appears, that's because wonderful Windows Vista hasn't indexed the file you're actually looking for and in its opinion it doesn't exist. As proof look what happens when you delve into the menu and look at everything using that little tick box.

Hey look it's there. Now where does this get strange and by strange I mean monumentally stupid? Well that quick find option off the Start Menu supposedly uses the same indexing system and look

What gives? Well that's easy, the Quick Search isn't using Windows Indexing it's using the Google Indexing which actually works. The best part is that even though you know that the Windows Indexer isn't complete there's no way to add a file, or kick it into life without rebuilding the entire index hurrah!