Quick traffic update
For those wondering what is happening in Stourport at the moment, they've closed off one lane of the Stour Bridge, that's the one at the end of Mitton Street and Gilgal leading to the Hartlebury Road and Worcester Road. Traffic lights are in place, fat load of good they are. Fixed timings, no sensors; the result:The green traffic heads past the red obstruction and tries to turn right, but can't as the blue traffic is in the way. Now the blue traffic can't move as the green traffic is in the way. Meanwhile the poor old magenta traffic, which is often sat there unmoving anyway, has even less chance of getting out. Of course if everyone did what they're supposed to do and not enter the island unless their exit is clear we wouldn't be having this problem. Ha might as well try to get people to indicate left out of York Street.
All made much more fun by the fact they'd also closed the pavement and you can't cross anywhere near the red obstruction so pedestrians were walking around it in the road.
No idea what they're doing, bugger all when I first went past and sweeping the road when I went past again. I've just phoned WFDC who didn't know, and couldn't get through to Highways who deal with it. Said to call again in 15 minutes, that's be about now then. 12th-14th - what! What the hell are they doing? They weren't there yesterday, they weren't there this morning.
I'm trying to find out what's happening as I type. WFDC don't know what they're doing they've just got the schedule and are going to call me back, whose bright idea was this? If that is still there tonight nothing is moving along either Hartlebury Road, or Worcester Road. If it's still there in the morning then nothing will be moving in the town.
Ah someone's just come in and said they've cleared it away, they were replaced two of the tank-buster kerb stones (obviously scheduled for some time between the 12th and the 14th). From his trips he said they must have started around 10am.
Ah hah updates, good old Balfour Beatty were scheduled to start work this morning (bravo), but didn't turn up on time; the lights however did. So the Highways Agency told them they had to reapply, then took advantage and replaced two kerb stones. Well done to them for showing initiative, shame they're probably just going to be dug back up again.
On a lighter note yet another hole in the High Street pavement from Balfour Beatty, whilst on the telephone to WFDC I made a complaint about the replacement brickwork they'd put down.
Can you see where they've repaired it? Different colour, different texture. If it no-one complains within two years, they're off scott-free.
See 'A LINK WITH THE PAST' in: http://www.blockleys.com/newc/page3.htm
Thanks for that, what's the bet that Balfour Beatty weren't using Blockleys? What's also interesting to note is that the same sort of replacement blocks are also present in Kidderminster in various places. The most prominent being outside the RHC at the Abbey end. Stick out like a sore thumb.
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