Tuesday, June 08, 2010

iTunes playlists disappear yet again, again.

Yep a new version of iTunes and yep once again it wipes out my library list, my playlist, my purchased content list. Music's not a problem just point it at the right folder, though I wish it would pick up the album covers the first time around. My playlists aren't a problem as I now export them the moment I'm happy with them having gone through this rigmarole... 4 times is it?

I am curious as to why when I chose to import a playlist, head into the Previous iTunes Libraries and am presented with "iTunes Library -[date]" iTunes doesn't recognise it as a valid file. iTunes created the damn thing.

The trouble is I like iTunes, I like the iTunes store. I could use Microsoft's Media player, but it just lacks usability. It's not as if iTunes gets updated every month, but it is annoying.