Friday, February 06, 2009

Verisign's Free £10 Amazon voucher

In the office post from yesterday one of the regular missives from Verisign "See the latest trends in SSL security" just do the enclosed survey or go online to do it, even better "We'll send you the survey results and a £10® gift card1 for your time."

Oo at least it's hmm might be worth doing oh wait did you spot that supertexted 1? Where does it go to - "1 £10 gift card will be sent via email to the first 200 responders who complete the survey in full. Offer expires 31st March 2009"

So you might be sending me a voucher for my time. Yeah that's a little different from the flat statement at the top of the page isn't it? To paraphrase Orphi 'You can state what you like with authority and then happily contradict yourself with a subtext link'

[Additional - They've fouled up, turned over the page to see the summary and once again saw a "Get a £10® gift card.2 with qualifying subtext; however in the survey itself they've asterisked the Email and Phone with the following (with my notations) -

"*Both fields must be completed, and you must answer every survey question to be eligible to receive an [®] gift card and the survey results. Responders' [well done] answers will remain anonymous. Aggregate survey results will be shared among responders. You may be contacted by a VeriSign representative. Offer expires 31st March 2009. Send in your answers today and see the survey results for yourself. We'll also send you a £10 [®] gift card. Survey complete [What?]. Thank you for your participation."

Likewise below that in main print "Send in your answers today to get your £10 gift card and see the survey results for yourself." No qualifier for either; oops.]