Friday, February 25, 2011

Petrol Prices

"Driving will just be for the Rich" trumpets the Express "£105 to fill your car as oil price doubles" Although their actual story adds the proviso "could" to all of that, but dammit headlines can't contain possibilities only certainties otherwise it'll confuse the sheep loyal readers.

So how are they working out these figures. From the story we see a figure of £8 per gallon so we can use that.

£105/£8 = 13.125 gallons
13.125 = 59.6674559 Litres

Call it 60 litres. That means the estimate slathered on the front page only applies to a 60 litre car (mine's 35 litres).

To continue a 60 litre car filling up for £105 means a cost of £1.75 per litre. Current price here is £1.29 that would require a 35% increase. The current estimates an extra 5p or 4% increase. Justification for the Express' story - experts say that if the crisis spreads than the price could hit these heights.

Oh and this totally ignores that Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Angola, and Nigeria have all stated that they'd pump more oil should the price rise which would stabilise things.

No just ignore that and panic and don't forget to buy the Express so you know exactly how much you should be panicking.